Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A family celebrates Tsaagan Sar

Father and son greet the Lunar New Year in Mongolia
 As Dr. Stewart and his group of LDS missionaries came down the mountain from viewing the Tsaagan Sar sunrise, he spotted two young girls dressed in deels standing outside a ger. 
What attracted Dr. Stewart's attention
Gradually more and more family members emerged equally clad in their national dress. It was a stunning site.
This family was dressed to the hilt

The sun was perfect shortly after dawn. Dr. Stewart took some amazing shots which he shared with me. 

Big smiles - big hearts
Two or three are National Geographic quality and the rest are darn close.
The finery of their dress was only exceeded by the generosity of their hospitality

They freely posed for the pictures and then invited their new guests inside their ger where they had a Tsaagan Sar meal prepared. 
Getting ready to celebrate Tsaagan Sar
There were even more people inside the ger in their deels gathered together for a beautiful family occasion.
Carving the sheep
A family holiday where children learn who they are and where they belong

Thanks for showing us your Mongolian heritage

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