Monday, April 29, 2013

Black Market, Returned missionary reunions, Sunday visits, farewell to Mongolia

Chandeliers for sale at the black market
Besides all the charity visits on Friday and Saturday, our daughters still found to explore the Black Market, buy carpet at the Sate Department store, go to the 20 year cultural extravaganza (see earlier blog), go to Battsey's home for lunch, attend church,, sing at church, and make one final visit to one more family Tawny helped bring into the church 13 years ago.
Missionaries from Tawny's era 1995 - 1999, Pres. and Sis. Cox are in the center back
Tawny attended her missionary reunion meeting instead of carpet shopping and going to the black market.

Tawny arrived after this photo was taken of all the returned missionaries attending the Saturday afternoon event

Here are photos from their last two days in Mongolia. It was a whirlwind vist from start to finish.

Small group discussion
Some groups were larger than others - groups of Mongolian returned missionaries since 2003

We squeezed in a visit to the State Department Store for carpet buying
Floor coverings at the black market --- Ogie on the left
It couldn't have worked out better. To see more pictures and learn from one of our daughter's perspective, go to
Outdoor carpet shop
Looking for a purse?

Material for traditional clothes (deels)

Our taxi driver drove us right to Battsey's home despite a few obstacles

Battsey's mother Shuurai is in the middle - her sister Bagira is on the right
Shuurai and her family made two nativity sets we purchased for our family - she gave a camel to each of our daughters

Sacks of coal they use to heat their home

Last dinner with Tawny's convert family before their trip home. Enkhtsetseg and granddaughter back and front

Chinsanaa, Enkhtsetseg. Tawny and year old granddaughter (Ariuunsanaa's daughter)

Cute as a button

So long to Mongolia and to Mom and Dad - a whirlwind trip comes to an end


  1. I find myself thinking about Mongolia all the time! What a great trip. Thanks for encouraging me to go, helping me to get there, and then showing us such a good time!! Loved it!

  2. That was a very nice place and I love the Chandeliers above. Thanks for letting us to explore the Mongolia.

    God Bless!

    link for FCF FamilyCare
